Using neutron diffraction data obtained at ILL Grenoble, we discovered that the structure modulation of Ni-Mn-Ga alloys is highly anharmonic, with the 5th harmonic being dominant and having an amplitude of 20% of the fundamental. We have developed a single-parameter description of the evolution of modulation across the entire temperature range of the 10M phase existence. This result is crucial for understanding the atomic structure and its temperature-dependent evolution in magnetic shape memory alloys, and for linking it with supermobility.

Related article: Scripta Materialia, Volume 252, 1 November 2024, 116251
Title: Anharmonic incommensurate structure modulation in Ni-Mn-Ga martensite exhibiting highly mobile twin boundaries
Authors: P. Veřtát, M. Klicpera, O. Fabelo, O. Heczko, L. Straka

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